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BondKap is being
installed in schools
all across the
United States
It is the preferred
attachment  for
low frame to glass




International Window
   Film Association


Window Film Magazine Article


  BondKap was mentioned in the January-February 2008 Issue of Window Film Magazine. The article entitled ‘Tower Power’ details the One Sarasota Tower installation headed by Jason Obradovich of Glass Coating Specialist Inc in Tampa. Tommy Shope of CP Films was also quoted.



The appearance of a particular silicone structural glazing sealant also concerned ICORR. “The problem (was) that the appearance is not perfect,” Shope says. “This particular client wanted perfection. They didn’t want anything that was going to distract from the view through these windows.”

So Obradovich and Shope brought in a product called BondKap. The product is essentially a plastic cap that goes over top of silicone to give the job a more finished factory look. “The more we talked about it, the more they said, ‘Yes, we have to have this,’” Shope says.



After the film was up, the BondKap was custom-shipped to One Sarasota. It came to the job site pre-cut, so all Obradovich’s crew had to do was put it up, making it a little quicker. Obradovich also brought in Frank Fountas, designer of BondKap, to show his crew the ropes.  

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